Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Musey Room

Dystopian/Post-Apocalyptic Novels
-(1945) Animal Farm, George Orwell
-(1949) 1984, George Orwell
-(1953) Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury
(1993) The Giver, Lowis Lowry
-(1932) Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
-(1895) The Time Machine, H.G. Wells
-(2006) The Road, Cormac McCarthy
-(1962) A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess
-(1954) Lord of the Flies, William Golding
-(2008) Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins
-(2006) World War Z, Max Brooks
-(1997) Lucifer’s Hammer, Larry Niven &  Larry Pournelle
-(1963) Planet of the Apes, Pierre Boulle
-(1957) Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand
-(2008) The Dark Abode, Gambhiri Ghara
-(1977) A Scanner Darkly, Philip K. Dick

The Frontal Lobe:
(FRONTAL LOBE) Prefrontal Cortex: This encompasses all things concerned with control, impulse, reasoning, judgment, and manages feelings of empathy and altruism
A Clockwork Orange: Book deals a lot with control of the brain and controlling of basic human impulse.
Lord of The Flies: Boys on the island must re-learn how to govern themselves and decided right from wrong
Lucifer’s Hammer: Cannibalism and immorality is largely addressed in this novel, and the moral center of the brain relies on the Frontal Lobe,
Planet of the Apes: Apes take over the world because they fully use their skills and particularly their frontal lobe, which is the newest part of our brain
(HIND BRAIN) Medulla Oblongata: Regulates involuntary muscles, or autonomic functions of the body such as heart rate, regulation of breathing, and blood pressure.
Animal Farm: Animals on the farm are linked to the most basic of the functions of the brain like our instincts and basic needs for life.
World War Z: the Medulla Oblongata is the “Zombie” function of the brain in that it only deals with basic needs for food, life, and blood flow regulation
The Dark Abode: This is a love story. Feelings and emotions like love can be noticed by changes in heart rate and blood pressure.
(LIMBIC) Amygdala: Helps in storing and classifying emotionally charged memories. It plays a large role in producing our emotions, especially fear.
1984: This book deals with mind control and regulation, which can largely effect a persons emotions and loss of inhibition.
A Scanner Darkly: Also deals with the control of people through surveillance and moles. Fear is used as a motivator to keep people off drugs.
(LIMBIC) Hippocampus: It’s primary role is in memory formation, classifying information, long-term memory. Like the RAM in your computer it processes and stores new and temporary memory for long-term storage.
The Road: In the post apocalyptic, the two main characters in this novel must resort to basic survival instincts, and re-learn how to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.
Fahrenheit 451: This novel surrounds a dystopian future where books are banned and people are made to memorize specific novels.
(LIMBIC) Hypothalamus: It monitors and controls your circadian rhythms, homeostasis, appetite, thirst, other bodily urges and also plays a role in emotions, autonomic functions and motor functions.
Atlas Shrugged: “Stopping the motor of the world”, quote from AS. This is merely a play on words, the hypothalamus plays a large role in motor functions.
Hunger Games: Also a play on words. Have no desire to read the book
(LIMBIC) Thalamus: Most of the sensory signals, auditory, visual, go through this organ on their way to other parts of the brain for processing.
The Time Machine: Thought it would be appropriate considering we see and hear into the past, our brains all contain time machines
(MIDBRAIN) Substantia Nigra: is a brain structure located in the midbrain that plays an important role in reward, addiction, and movement.
Brave New World: This is it’s own little category. Substantia Nigra meaning Black substance, is perfect to describe the role of dopamine in the brain, and without it we are numb, much like the people in Brave New World
(MIDBRAIN) Nucleus Accumbens: It is thought to play an important role in reward, pleasure, laughter, addiction, aggression, fear, and the placebo effect.
The Giver: Fits into another smaller category. The book centers around an eradication of emotional depth, which can be related directly to the Nucleus Accumbens.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

TEST 1 Review

How many times was the alphabet invented?

One thing that's most important when it comes to memorization? (Foer)
-Practice makes perfect

What condition forces you to remember everything? (Foer)

What is Anamnesis?
-Remembering things from a previous existence.

Architectural design to memory palaces? Locations of memories. (Yates)

Who was the greek poet who coined the term memory palace? How did this term come into being?]
-Simonides, he attended a banquet, which he stepped out of momentarily only to witness it's collapse. He had to remember where each person was sitting, therefore he created a 'memory palace' in which he placed each dead person accordingly

The 9 characteristics of the Oral Tradition summed up?

The Nine Muses and their respective roles:
 Calliope: Epic Poetry
Clio: History
Terpsichore: Dance
Urania: Astronomy
Thalia: Comedy
Euterpe: Lyrical Poetry
Polyhymnia: Hymns
Melpolmene: Tragedy
Erato: Love poetry

12 Tribes of Israel:
Reuben: Water
Simeon: Ox
Levi: Ox
Judah: Lions
Zebulun: Ships/sea
Issachar: Ass/Donkey
Dan: Serpent
Gad: Trampled
Asher: Rish/Money
Naphtali: Deer
Joseph: Fruitful Bough
Benjamin: Wolf

Walter Ong's 9 Oral Tradtions:
1.) Additive rather than Subordinative
2.) Aggregrative rather than analytical
3.) Redundant and Copius
4.) Conservative or traditional
5.) Close to the Human realm
6.) Agonistically toned
7.) Empathetic and Participatory
8.) Homeostatic
9.) Situational rather than Abstract

Foer's 15 random Items:
Pickeled Garlic
Cottage Cheese
Six bottles Wine
Socks x3
3 Hula Hoops
Dry ice machine
Email Sophia
Skin-toned Cat suit
Paul Newman film
Elk sausage
Megaphone/Directors Chair
Harness and Ropes

Ong's One-liners:
-Sight isolates, sound incorporates
-Think memorable thoughts
-Writing restructures consciousness
-Sound only exists as it's going out of existence